Server Locations
    • Chicago
    +3 More location
    • Dronten
    • Moskow
    • Chisinau

20 Gb
Disk space
PHP 5.2-7.3, mail server,
Let'sEncrypt SSL and HTTP/2
x5 Websites, unlimited Traffic
500s CPU
Location: Netherlands, USA, Russia, Moldova
3.18 USD per 1 month
8.55 USD per 3 months (-10%)
16.16 USD per 6 months (-15%)
28.5 USD per 1 year (-25%)
Backup 2
2 free weekly backups, daily backups available
Install PHP extensions
Available on request
PHP version
PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 choice (default 7.1)
Control panel  ISPManager

1Traffic - In case of exceeding traffic limit, you will have options to switch to commercial traffic usage or to limit site/server bandwidth.
2Backup – By default we store 2 weekly backups, these backups do not use your disk space. You can schedule additional backups, daily, weekly or monthly, which will use disk space of your account.
Virtual hosting – is the most common and easiest way to host your site on the Internet. Virtual in this case means that many sites are served by a physical server with a unique IP address. DNS system is used to connect your domain name with server IP address, and the server uses requested address to provide access to website content. Every site has a server user associated with it, including home directory with website files. Server's computing capacity is split between the users. Server also has a database system provided together with virtual hosting. Available disk space, number of sites and databases depends on service package.
Virtual hosting – service you have to manage your site yourself and we offer several useful tools for this. Service is activated immediately after receiving payment and you can start using your hosting straight away

Plan Detail
Additional Features
FTP & Other Account Features
Control Panel, Payments & Misc
Foxcloud Hosting Hosting Support Features

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