Managed Dedicated Servers at Affordable Price

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Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
  • Should I go for a Dedicated server with managed service?

    If you are not tech savvy and often need support to manage the things, you should go with managed service. Most of the hosting providers offer managed service to their clients and manage their clients' servers. Some providers offer monitoring service with their managed support.

  • Is Cheap Dedicated Server self-managed or fully managed?

    Most of the Cheap Dedicated Servers are self-managed. It means, the hosting provider will setup your server initially. Then you are only the responsible to manage the server. All application installation, server settings, maintenance, updates and patches installation etc have to be taken care by you. There are very few providers who include fully managed support even with a Cheap Dedicated Server while some offer it extra fees.

  • What is Managed Dedicated Server Hosting?

    **Managed hosting** is usually an extension of dedicated hosting, whereby the required hardware is owned by the hosting provider and is leased to a single client. It differs from other forms of dedicated hosting, however, in the fact that the day-to-day management and maintenance of the servers is handled by the hosting provider rather than by the clients themselves.

  • Do I need to pay anything additionally for Managed Dedicated Server Hosting?

    Managed Dedicated Server Hosting means, a server with fully managed support included. It means you do not need to pay anything extra for fully managed support. We have meticulously prepared a list of hosting providers who offer Fully Managed Dedicated Server hosting without any additional charge.

  • Can I install any application in my Managed Dedicated Server?

    Yes, you can install any application in your Managed Dedicated Server. Even, since it is a managed server, your hosting provider will get any application installed on your server on your request.

  • Do you have a question?

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